A Letter to Staff from eFulfillment Service Management Outlining Our Essential Work
The last few weeks have offered us the unusual chance to test our mettle, and we’ve responded with creative problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptation. I’m proud and grateful for the way our team has responded with strength and steadfast purpose. In the next few weeks and months, we will have more chances to demonstrate our grit.
As Governor Whitmer’s stay-home-stay-safe executive order takes effect, you are sure to have more questions and thoughts about our work here, and the new precautions and the policies we’re putting in place.
Here’s what I’d like to cover today:
- eFulfillment Service is an essential business, we plan to safely stay open to serve clients, our global community and economy
- We are evaluating our procedures to safeguard our team, taking increasingly aggressive, practical and forward-thinking precautions
- We are collecting information, as it changes, to help our employees choose the best work-place options for their particular set of circumstances
What Does it Mean to be “Essential”?
I’m attaching Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order, and the Department of Homeland Security’s memo that she references which identifies what are known as “critical infrastructure workers,” which is what we are. As you can see, we serve a critical role in the national logistics economy. And in times of national crisis, there are people that are called upon to step up and provide—and eFulfillment Service has been called.
Our leadership, our resolve, means that nearly 700 businesses can continue to keep their doors open. These businesses fuel our economy. And because we serve the ecommerce industry, they do so without encouraging people to congregate. It’s not a t-shirt you’re packaging; it’s a paycheck for someone buying groceries, paying rent, using electricity.
Our New Procedures—Your Participation is Vital
We aren’t finished protecting our employees from COVID-19, and preventing the spread. Even as we stay open, we are committed to flattening the curve, and safeguarding everyone on our team. In keeping with the governor’s orders, we’ve sent as many people as possible off-site and we’re working to get the accounting department off-site as well. We’re going to split our production team into shifts to further separate people.
Additionally, we’re putting more and more effort into sanitizing our work place. As we are able to get tools and materials, more policies will go into effect. Your role in the success of these procedures can’t be exaggerated. If you don’t follow these processes—if you don’t wash your hands or stay 6 feet away from your colleagues—you put yourself and your teammates at risk.
Good communication is more important than ever. Your ideas and feedback make us stronger and faster. And I really want you to share how you’re feeling. Not only if you feel sick, but also if you feel uncomfortable with our procedures as they relate to you, your family, and your unique set of circumstances.
Yesterday, we received an email from one of our clients, saying, “God bless you guys. Stay safe, especially the packing team, which are our heroes, getting stuff to people that they need without them having to go out and congregate.—Sam”
In these unprecedented times, my commitment to you is to adapt and invent our business to support Sam, and to support the demands of a new economy that is evolving even as you read this email.
Best wishes,
About Jordan Lindberg, Executive Vice President, eFulfillment Service: An experienced fulfillment and logistics expert, Jordan leads the management team at eFulfillment Service and has served as Executive Vice President for last decade, a period of growth for EFS as well as the overall fulfillment industry.
Jordan specializes in the core areas of strategy, competitive positioning, pricing, marketing, product sourcing, and product and process development. He has worked with and provided consulting services to hundreds of online retailers from start-ups to companies in the Internet Retailer 500.